Sunday, November 6, 2011

FileMaker Pro Database Project

Considering the fact that I never even knew that databases could be created from scratch  by the common computer user, it's safe to say that I started at ground zero with this project. What did I learn from this project? Everything I now know about creating and utilizing databases. It's great how you can take an Excel spreadsheet, export it into FileMaker Pro, and then create a database that you can tweak and organize for the highest possible convenience. The uses of finds, forms, and reports are great tools and very easy to use. This project kind of reminded me of the Excel project, but for me this program was less complex and more user friendly.

A business owner should definitely take advantage of the "sort" and "find" tools. These tools are, in my opinion, the most useful in creating an organized database. I really like the sort tool because the database user/creator can organize the database how they want it to be organized. For example, on the database project, the raw information needed to be sorted by city and then, within the city field, by their leave date in descending order. With the sort tool, all of the options necessary to make this happen are only a few clicks away and then - TADA! You got a sorted database. In addition, the find tool is just as useful because it helps you find what you need without even sorting the information. All you need to do is fill in what you're searching for in the specific fields and then everything you're searching for is there.

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